Joeys Educational Program (Ages 15 Months–2 Years)
Our energetic, curious, eager and spontaneous Joeys spring into action at every opportunity, exploring every corner and space of the indoor and outdoor environments. Their independence skills develop rapidly as they are supported by their educators to explore their surroundings, such as climbing logs, sitting in an oversized chair or meandering through the vine-covered walkway. All elements of the outdoor space encourage their physical development and natural curiosity to hide, climb and jump, all within sight of and with engagement from their educators.
Children in the Joeys educational program are given the space to be independent. Opportunities to draw, paint and play with water, sand and clay are provided for their imaginations to flourish. A vegetable garden provides opportunities for tiny hands to nurture and grow vegetables. The educators respond and support children in their emerging interests. Social skills and language develop at a fast pace by singing repetitive songs, telling stories and engaging in ongoing conversations. The community connections across home, educators and the learning environment strengthens bonds and supports children’s development.